Welcome to NCSU
The campus network of the University of Peradeniya was established in 1999 with funding provided by Swedish International Development Co-operation Agent (SIDA) and became fully operational in early 2001. The NCSU (Network and Communication Services Unit) was created as a unit in the Faculty of Engineering in 2001 for the operation and maintenance of the network.
In April 2008, a fresh request was made to the Chairman/UGC to create cadre provisions for the NCSU. This request has also been referred back to the university as the NCSU has not been formally established as a unit either in the Faculty of Engineering or the University of Peradeniya. It has therefore become necessary to formally establish the NCSU as a unit in the university. As the unit serves the entire university it has been suggested that it be established as a university unit, but, physically located in the Faculty of Engineering, as the technical expertise to run the unit is readily available in the faculty.
Although the unit was originally established to provide network and Internet services, it has also provided technical expertise in developing the campus communication system. The latter includes the integration of conventional PBXs and the Voice over IP infrastructure.