Office 365 Sign-up & Activation Guide
Please follow the following guide for step-by-step instructions to get Office 365 for your account
To sign-up to Office-365, you'll need to register on the university portal ( Once registered, you can use the credentials used in creating the SSO Profile to get access to office365 services.
Thus, you are required to:
- Register on the university SSO portal: Visit the portal ( and follow the registration instructions. (instructions attached below)
- Check the Account Status at the SSO Portal
- Sign-in to Office 365
If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Important Notice!
- At the moment, Office-365 facility is only available for Google Workspace Accounts, so we urge you not to use the webmail account for Office-365
- While creating your account, make sure that your password satisfies the following requirements!
- At least 8 characters long
- Must contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
- Must contain at least one lowercase letter (a-z)
- Must include at least one number (0-9) or symbol (! @ # $ % ^ & )
- Must not contain your username (e.g., if your email is, your password cannot include abcde).
1. SSO - Portal Registration
If you have already signed up at the UoP-SSO Portal, you can skip this section.
For Students :
Please follow the following steps in order to get registered at the SSO
- Visit and get registered using your Google university (eg. email address.
- Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to the email (if you don't receive such email, check the spam ).
- Log in to the account.
- Fill the form by clicking on the “Fill out your Details” button. (Select “Student” as the User Type)
- Once you’ve submitted the form, you can log in to the WiFi by using the credentials you've provided while registering. (Steps to log into the WiFi network is attached below)
Please make sure while filling out the form
- Make sure the “Name with Initials” field is formatted as A.B.C. Surname (Period after each initial, space between the last period and surname)
- The contact number is in the form +94XXXXXXXXX.
- Use your personal email address as the secondary email address.
For Staff Members :
Please follow the following steps in order to get registered at the SSO
- Visit and get registered using your University email address.
- We encourage you to use your Google Workspace (eg.,
- if you don't have one, you can use the pdn-webmail address (eg. email address.
- Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to the email (if you don't receive such email, check the spam ).
- Log in to the account.
- Fill the form by clicking on the “Fill out your Details” button. (Select “Staff” as the User Type)
- Once you’ve submitted the form, you can log in to the WiFi by using the credentials you've provided while registering. (Steps to log into the WiFi network is attached below)
Please make sure while filling out the form
- Make sure the “Name with Initials” field is formatted as A.B.C. Surname (Period after each initial, space between the last period and surname)
- The contact number is in the form +94XXXXXXXXX.
- If you have signed up with the webmail addres (eg. use your Google Workspace email address (eg. as the secondary email address (vice versa).
If you don't have one, use your personal email address as the secondary email address.
2. Check Office 365 Activation Status
- Navigate to
- Check if the Account Status is Active (if it is not, please fill out your details by clicking on the "Fill Out Your Details" button and come back)
- Navigate to Office 365 Service located under "Available Services"
- There you can see the Office 365 Subscription Assigned for you, with the email address associated with it.
- If you see an error message saying to reset your password, it means that the current password of your account does not meet the security requirements to activate Office 365 for your account. Please click on the "Reset Your Password" and reset your password with the provided guidelines.
(Important: Once you reset your password, you must use the new password for all UoP services linked to your account, including UoP-WiFi, and other university Services.)
3. Sign-In to Office 365
- Navigate to, and click on "Sign-in"
- When prompted enter the email that you've used at UoP-SSO Portal. And click on "Next"
- When prompted enter the passowrd that you've used to register at UoP-SSO Portal.
- Choose Yes to "Stay Signed-in" and you'll be signed into Office-365 Portal.

4. Download Office 365
- In the 365 Dashboard click on the "Install and More" on the top right corner.
- Then Click on Install Microsoft 365 Appsand download office applications for your requirement.